以生动简洁的叙述和形象逼真的插图将浩繁的史籍帮助大家全面了解民族的历史,增加知识含量、开阔视野,读史铭智,更好地把握今天,创造明天。 目录: 盘古开天地 尧舜让位 大禹治水 武王伐纣 齐桓公九合诸侯 卧薪尝胆的勾践 孔子周游列国 孟母三迁 商鞅变法 一代名医扁鹊 完璧归赵 毛遂自荐 荆轲刺秦王 秦始...
以生动简洁的叙述和形象逼真的插图将浩繁的史籍帮助大家全面了解民族的历史,增加知识含量、开阔视野,读史铭智,更好地把握今天,创造明天。 目录: 盘古开天地 尧舜让位 大禹治水 武王伐纣 齐桓公九合诸侯 卧薪尝胆的勾践 孔子周游列国 孟母三迁 商鞅变法 一代名医扁鹊 完璧归赵 毛遂自荐 荆轲刺秦王 秦始...
指紋測謊是將檢查只3秒誰是誠實的人,是誰告訴你的謊言中的應用。 問問你的朋友,把你的手機屏幕上方的手指在掃描儀的應用程序選項卡或掃描儀中,問他一些問題,如:你恨我還是愛我嗎? 你是男孩? 等等。 當你的朋友說完,脫下他的手指在屏幕中 在這種指紋測謊儀會告訴你誰是說真話。 如果你是人誰是騙人的沮喪。...
What the critics are saying: “Hottie Hookups is perfectly balanced and very polished.” - Gamezebo "A good solid game and the premise is enough to warr...
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4 out 4 "Must have" "One of the most addicting sims we've played on the iDevice" - SlideToPlay.com GAMEZEBO says "ARTIST COLONY is surprisingly deep a...
Big and Small animated iPhone & iPad app Updated with all new animations and interactivity to engage your children Children both big and small will lo...
Chase and catch those yucky little aphids! The Ladybug wants to get them all, and you're in control - tilt and shake your iPad to make the Ladybug mov...
Play original dos games on your iPhone/iPad! Features: - PC compatible soft keyboard - Mouse/Virtual Gamepad&Joystick; - Screen mode: Portrait/Landsca...
If you want your kids to have FUN, this is the perfect challenge! Not one but SIX games in one. Juegos Para Niños GRATIS will keep everyone excited an...
**Reinforces Early Speech & Language Skills**"This is a great app. I am a Speech Pathologist using this for two months now in my preschool classroom c...