NTUST 台科訊息小幫手
NTUST Message Reminder 台灣科技大學 訊息小幫手這個程式幫助您整理台灣科技大學各部門的資訊,結合雲端的架構,讓您可以透過這個App取得台科大最新的資訊,不流失任何的機會!也提供訊息搜尋的功能,不必輸入關鍵字,「語音搜尋」也通!最好的機會真的會寄到您的信箱讓您知道,還是悄悄的公告...
NTUST Message Reminder 台灣科技大學 訊息小幫手這個程式幫助您整理台灣科技大學各部門的資訊,結合雲端的架構,讓您可以透過這個App取得台科大最新的資訊,不流失任何的機會!也提供訊息搜尋的功能,不必輸入關鍵字,「語音搜尋」也通!最好的機會真的會寄到您的信箱讓您知道,還是悄悄的公告...
台科大EMBA聯誼會提供APP做為EMBA之即時訊息公告管道,內容包含: (1)台科大EMBA辦公室、學生會、班級與社團之最新訊息、活動行事曆與公佈欄(2)學生名錄、台科大EMBA系所介紹、師資陣容、社團介紹(3)各期電子報、Facebook粉絲團與即時更新粉絲專頁訊息台科大EMBA官方網站:htt...
FREE TODAY! Need cash fast? 'CASH Compass FREE' is the fastest possible way to locate your nearest ATM machine, wherever you are in the world! Open th...
My London Story is an app and website that geo-locates non-fiction, long-form stories about the city. We publish ten original stories in every edition...
كل عام وانتم بخير بمناسبة شهر رمضان الكريم هذا البرنامج يقدم ما بين يديك كل ماتحتاج اليه في شهر رمضان إمساكية رمضان عد تنازلي لموعد الافطار و الامساك ...
Looking for the tomb... oops... time of your life this Halloween? Whether you are an avid ghost hunter or a family looking for not-so-scary fun, here ...
Move without getting lost and finding his way in the game Dayz is not as easy as you might think. We all spent a lot time trying to orient themselves ...
vTransit is a public transit app that works well with the Maps app in iOS 6. After you set start and end point in Maps ,tap route, then choose vTransi...
Compatible with iPhone 5.Requires iOS 6.Hex Color Wheel provides a simple color selector with sliders and/or entering RGB value to display the color a...
HD Wallpapers All Optimized for the latest iOS 7, iPhone 5S, iPhone 5C & iPod Touch 5 (640 x 1136), iPad Air, iPad Mini, iPad 3rd Gen and all other iO...