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金弘笙是汽車百貨第一品牌,本著以客為尊的中心思想,努力做好服務,以符合消費者期望,朝向多角化服務的汽車百貨企業。本應用程式為金弘笙汽車百貨專屬行動應用程式,提供各項便利功能供下載使用。 【功能】● 優惠活動● 網購優惠● 主題活動● 最新 DM● 官網● 官方臉書● 超級商城● 影音連結● 品牌介紹...
Manage Your Child's Smartphone. Anytime, Anywhere with the ParentBlocked Parent remote administrator Android application.- PB Safe Driving Mode Bl...
Track photo location opportunities so you can return when the conditions are right, or when you remember your camera.Photo Scope will show the distanc...
This is a sample application of PDFreporter library. PDFreporter is a world-class library for generating pdf documents and reports based on your own p...
A mind-challenging collection of some of the world's greatest puzzles and riddles.Do you think you've heard them all? Do you think you can sol...
Plays DDM Radio Ireland - IrelandWe Play The Right Kind of Music All The Time We are Dublin's Dance Machine, a Top 40, Dance Hit's, Trance, Pl...
** This app contains 1 free scene, Inside Zeno's arrow, you can get additional scenes here : http://goo.gl/UH3qsZ **We all love driving down a ope...
Aquesta és una aplicació dedicada a tots aquells que estimen i gaudeixen de les grans joies de la cultura Catalana com són els Castells. Esperem que a...