街蜜是国内首家专注做移动互联网的代购平台,也是唯一一家集逛街导购、买手代购与社交沟通于一身的代购神器。目前,街蜜已经在全球20个国家拥有200多名实名认证买手365天日夜不停的扫货直播。类目覆盖美妆、服饰、鞋包、母婴、保健、数码等几乎全类目热门商品。 在o2o领域,街蜜正在将线上海量用户导入到线下零...
街蜜是国内首家专注做移动互联网的代购平台,也是唯一一家集逛街导购、买手代购与社交沟通于一身的代购神器。目前,街蜜已经在全球20个国家拥有200多名实名认证买手365天日夜不停的扫货直播。类目覆盖美妆、服饰、鞋包、母婴、保健、数码等几乎全类目热门商品。 在o2o领域,街蜜正在将线上海量用户导入到线下零...
歡迎來到 益生堂。凡吉力官方App,官方網站最新訊息,隨時同步在手機更新&每月凡吉力禮物活動會員禮仙楂粒招待好禮招待給您哦 :D全新凡吉力樂園極簡可愛風格,讓凡吉力超人與益生堂人蔘寶寶帶給您一個貼心,即時最新訊息掌握在你手中,還有App專屬每日集點、分享集點兌換好康與免費下載歐 :DDDSunshi...
為了推廣中醫藥及回饋社會大眾,忠春堂提供方便社會大眾查詢中藥方劑的軟體,並將軟體的廣告收益全數捐贈於慈善團體,冀望藉此能增進社會之福祉。 此軟體之內容參考自網路以及書籍,若您自身有任何病情的疑問,請儘速尋求專業中醫師的診治,切勿延誤自身的病情為上。 若您有任何中藥或醫理相關的疑問,歡迎您來電諮詢,忠...
Veer Left is much more than just a “points of interest” list. It is a tourist information service, presenting special events and attractions, seasonal...
When you're hungry, the last thing you want to do is wait on hold, repeat your credit card number and get disconnected. With Vees Cafe's app, ordering...
We love the presence of a happy, joyful kids, so we set outto create an app that will always get them in that mood. Ladies and Gentlemen, meet our dan...
Veg It is a unique app giving the user filtered search as well as name search capabilities. This makes searching through and buying many vegetarian pr...
Dancing Ship is a 2D space flight emulate game. In Dancing Ship you need overcome the gravitation and meanwhile dodge from the enemy flights. It could...
Controlling the bee, the player must gather all flowers and avoid animals. The game has funny dancing bee and awesome music. Just try! Your kid will l...
Best Dancing themed free casino slots machine - pokies game that you will love for outstanding graphics highlighted by a number of cool Dancing-relate...