台南市立安南醫院 診斷書


安南醫院秉持以病人為中心的服務,希望藉行動掛號系統,延伸對民眾的健康服務,使民眾能不受時間、地點的限制,利用智慧手機能輕鬆掛號、查詢看診進度、醫院交通等資訊。安南醫院行動掛號系統包含醫院簡介、網路掛號、查詢掛號、看診進度查詢、交通指南、我該看那一科、掛號語音小幫手等功能。開發商: 賽微科技免費玩安南...

Tower Fall

Avoid the towers by tilting the device or by tapping the left side of the screen to make the person go to the left, and the right side to make the per...

Tower Doodle

*OVER 1 MILLION DOWNLOADS +++This is a very strategic game, stack all the Towers to reach the green target. If u touch the red target u will loose a l...

Tower Down

The land is approved; the loan is ready. Let’s hurry up and build a tower!In this crowded and busy city, the land is more and more rare. But now you g...