彰化市公所製作的「『古蹟彰化,舊城小吃大』App 系統及電子書App 」,係將彰化舊城的觀光資源做一系統化建置,便利民眾、遊客運用行動載具導覽,來隨時取得彰化巿旅遊資訊,充實每一次旅遊興致。彰化舊城的小吃、美食與伴手禮讓人津津樂道,利用「『古蹟彰化,舊城小吃大』App系統」,可一覽彰化美食資訊,人性...
彰化市公所製作的「『古蹟彰化,舊城小吃大』App 系統及電子書App 」,係將彰化舊城的觀光資源做一系統化建置,便利民眾、遊客運用行動載具導覽,來隨時取得彰化巿旅遊資訊,充實每一次旅遊興致。彰化舊城的小吃、美食與伴手禮讓人津津樂道,利用「『古蹟彰化,舊城小吃大』App系統」,可一覽彰化美食資訊,人性...
2014台南黑客松-HackTainan 主要三大功能- 找古蹟 (搜尋古蹟 / 古蹟介紹 / 附近餐廳)- 玩古蹟 (尋幽訪古 / 主題路線)- 懂古蹟 (互動問答 / 寓教於樂)資料來源 : 台南市Open Data (http://data.tainan.gov.tw/) 文化部Open Da...
DEH Lite 台湾古迹行动导览以台湾古迹景点为基础,可在深度台湾旅游者的手持装置中建立一个结合GPS和电子地图技术之古迹导览的应用服务。由DEH Lite使用者来选择景点,并透过手持装置上的导览系统地图指引使用者前往景点,并且透过分享功能分享至各大社群网站。「文史脉流APP」简易版包括功能如下:...
Birds? It's Airplane now! The piloting the airplane, and go through the space between the pipe! Please be careful not to hit the tail! We believe you!...
*Featured in New & Noteworthy (iPhone) Photography************* NO Camera+ provides you the ability to take photos using iPhone Camera with overlays.A...
Flash 360 is the premier all-in-one photo effects editing app, includes 460 beautiful exclusive filters, Clean and intuitive design allows you to perf...
This app is a camera app to shoot to the exclusion any of the following information that would be obtained personal information when stored or posted ...
Has it even happen to you that you show a picture to your friend and he goes on a spree checking out all those private pictures in your gallery. Intro...
Get your message across the room, platform or even the street! Flash Board turns your device into a super fast Cue Card!Check out Flash Board Plus, th...
Get your message across the room, platform or even the street! Flash Board turns your device into a super fast Cue Card!** This is the Ads Free versio...