

高雄市長信箱為提供民眾服務管道多元化,開發行動載具專用Web App,提供案件登錄、案件查詢與常見問題集FAQ功能。只要民眾下載「高雄市長信箱」App,並透過App將您正確之E-MAIL帳號、電話、姓名填寫完整,待受理後系統自動回覆您信件收件編號及回覆內容亦將以E-MAIL的方式傳送給您。免費玩高雄...

Email Myself


email templates

The boom of the internet has changed the functioning of the world. Owing to the change, people switched to electronic mail. They are arguably the best...

Email Verify

In a simple way you can verify the existence of an email, for example, name@domain.com. Once you have entered your email address to be verified, the s...

tamil email

tamil mail app can be used to type in tamil textThe text can be emailed using any email accountThe text can be messages using sms service.You can also...


大台南市於民國99年12月25日合併升格為直轄市後,勞工局為臺南市政府之一級機關,下轄就業促進、勞資關係、勞動條件、勞安福利四科及職訓就服中心一個二級機關。以『樂業大台南』為願景,提供民眾多元化的職業訓練選擇及便捷的就業服務,期使帶給大台南地區勞工朋友優質穩定的生活。 臺南市政府勞工局期望結合App...