街蜜是国内首家专注做移动互联网的代购平台,也是唯一一家集逛街导购、买手代购与社交沟通于一身的代购神器。目前,街蜜已经在全球20个国家拥有200多名实名认证买手365天日夜不停的扫货直播。类目覆盖美妆、服饰、鞋包、母婴、保健、数码等几乎全类目热门商品。 在o2o领域,街蜜正在将线上海量用户导入到线下零...
街蜜是国内首家专注做移动互联网的代购平台,也是唯一一家集逛街导购、买手代购与社交沟通于一身的代购神器。目前,街蜜已经在全球20个国家拥有200多名实名认证买手365天日夜不停的扫货直播。类目覆盖美妆、服饰、鞋包、母婴、保健、数码等几乎全类目热门商品。 在o2o领域,街蜜正在将线上海量用户导入到线下零...
Inizia la scuola digitale! Giunti Scuola mette a disposizione su iPad il proprio corso per la scuola primaria “Io tu e Pilù” in forma completamente gr...
Plateforme professionnelle, sécurisée, dédiée au BTP et spécialisée dans la gestion du matériel de chantier.L'application mobile, intuitive et simple ...
At Unique Energy Solutions our mission is to provide affordable renewable and green energy saving options, with a dedication to excellent customer ser...
Unique Content Provider is a random sentence generator that allows content writers to create billions of meaningful and grammatically correct unique o...
Do you ever…•Discover something interesting online? •Get a jolt of inspiration you want to share? •Look for the best price and product reviews? •Make ...
Official app for Unicykel, general agent for the bike brand Nishiki in Sweden. The app shows a summary of the latest news from Nishiki, map with all b...
UniPocket es una aplicación para dispositivos móviles que permite llevar el control de calificaciones, visualizar los horarios, recordatorio de tareas...
This app is provided by ID TECH for demonstrating functionality of the ID TECH UniPay family of mobile mag stripe card and smart card readers, whose m...
Unipass é uma solução de identificação e autenticação simultâneas por meio de uma frase variante no tempo com funções de autorização, que permite:- Às...