台南一日 安平古堡


2014台南黑客松-HackTainan 主要三大功能- 找古蹟 (搜尋古蹟 / 古蹟介紹 / 附近餐廳)- 玩古蹟 (尋幽訪古 / 主題路線)- 懂古蹟 (互動問答 / 寓教於樂)資料來源 : 台南市Open Data (http://data.tainan.gov.tw/) 文化部Open Da...


Touch Memory is a simple memory game with four push buttons. The game shows you an increasingly long sequence by lighting up buttons and playing tones...


Turn the light onTurn the light offJust touch to catch your lightJust touch touch touchCrazy enough to die.Have fun !Gameplay:- Switch on when the lig...