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[ 台灣觀光景點 ] 收錄全台各地超過 2700 筆觀光景點, 超過 5000 筆知名美食店家與近6000筆素食店家 - 聯絡資訊 (名稱,地址,網址,電話,分類) [ 新增功能 ]1. 全文檢索可多字搜尋 請使用空白鍵分隔搜尋字串2. 地圖定位模式 顯示目前位置3. 頁面全面新增全文檢索搜尋與分類...
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*** The Thailand Best Translator Application designed for tourists incoming Thailand. ***SpeakThai is gathering the useful Thai words in 13 categories...
- Learn Thai by Speaking for travelers and beginners, Learning Thai could never be easier! - Over 1000+ Common Phrase verbs, vocabularies and sentence...
警局地圖是結合GOOGLE街景與PLACE API服務的APP,LBS 就是 Location Based Services 的縮寫,中文有人是翻成「適地性服務」,也有人直接翻成「以位置為基礎的服務」Google Place API是「一種會傳回「地點」相關資訊的服務,在此 API 中是使用 HTT...
郵局地圖是結合GOOGLE街景與PLACE API服務的APP,LBS 就是 Location Based Services 的縮寫,中文有人是翻成「適地性服務」,也有人直接翻成「以位置為基礎的服務」Google Place API是「一種會傳回「地點」相關資訊的服務,在此 API 中是使用 HTT...
From cocktails to punch for kids, find the perfect party drink. Plus videos, photos, and reviews to help you mix drinks right.One of the web's lar...
Cakes, pies, cookies and more. Hundreds of dessert recipes with photos, all rated and reviewed with helpful tips from home cooks.Hot or cold, our dess...
Crusts and toppings so you can make your own at home. Bye-bye, delivery guy!Our amazing pizza recipes help launch this classic dish into outer space w...
DZero is an app that uses NFC tags to launch you into a conversation about whatever was just tapped, where you are or what you're doing and enable...