57年1月出刊的《臺北畫刊》,為臺北市政府觀光傳播局出版的市政刊物,以圖文並茂的內容傳達臺北市的市政資訊、生活型態及與市民習習相關的實用資訊,為中、外人士認識臺北生活的代表性刊物。 為因應不同時代讀者需求,《臺北畫刊》歷經幾次改版,目前設計風格朝向年輕、活潑、健康走向,內容方面除了生活資訊外,並以生...
57年1月出刊的《臺北畫刊》,為臺北市政府觀光傳播局出版的市政刊物,以圖文並茂的內容傳達臺北市的市政資訊、生活型態及與市民習習相關的實用資訊,為中、外人士認識臺北生活的代表性刊物。 為因應不同時代讀者需求,《臺北畫刊》歷經幾次改版,目前設計風格朝向年輕、活潑、健康走向,內容方面除了生活資訊外,並以生...
台灣北部房價實價登錄及房地產新聞 含:台北市,新北市,基隆市,桃園縣,新竹市,新竹縣之實價登錄資訊 唯一獨創同時內建 @指北針/指南針,方便看屋時查看方位 @行動查價搖一搖手機幫您找附近實價登錄成交資訊並顯示距離(請預先開啟手機網路定位功能) @語音輸入免打字好方便 @地圖查詢實價:直接點擊地圖進行...
Taxi-Book is your handy guide to key locations in Beijing and a way to communicate with locals. The app is made to help you navigate through a city by...
This App helps you to overcome language barriers on your trip through China. In environments like hotels, taxis, restaurants, or bars the CORRECT tran...
Cette application vous aide à surmonter les barrières de la langue. Un voyage en pays chinois? Yocoy est là! Dans des situations comme à l’hôtel, dans...
This App helps you to overcome language barriers on your trip through Spanish speaking countries. In environments like hotels, taxis, restaurants, or ...
This App helps you to overcome language barriers on your trip through German speaking countries. In environments like hotels, taxis, restaurants, or b...
This App helps you to overcome language barriers on your trip through China. In environments like hotels, taxis, restaurants, or bars the CORRECT tran...
High School Chemistry offers powerful free tools for High School Chemistry including full-length diagnostic tests, flashcards, questions of the day, a...