台北小林髮廊價目表 2013


對於一個創造美麗的企業來說,真‧善‧美是小林髮廊堅持的經營理念、工作態度,強調客戶及工作夥伴的滿意就是給我們最大的肯定,而其含意為: 真 - 尊重、實在、關心善 - 奉獻、熱誠、感受美 - 專業、創新、分享近年來小林髮廊更積極參予社會公益活動,如中輟生輔導升學、就學專案‧原住民輔導專案‧婦幼團體贊助...

Happy Hair

內容介紹 : Fast paced styling game to beat the clock as you try and get the styles right. You can play championship or arcade mode and compete against th...

3D Snap

3D Snap provides a simple , easy to use interface using which, you can capture High Definition 3D photographs view them with your 3D Anaglyph glasses....