美樂蒂起源於幼兒美語師資培育機構,提供幼稚園及托兒所美語教學所需師資,自1987年成立以來,一直秉持「優質教學與服務」的教育宗旨,盡心為7-13歲兒童提供優質的美語教學服務。 對於未來,美樂蒂美語有著莫大的期許與使命感,致力研發讓孩子帶的走的知識理念,大幅提升孩子的語文能力,進而提升國家的競爭力,圓...
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BIC® Birthday LighterBIC® Lighter, America’s #1 branded pocket lighter, helps everyone celebrate birthdays everywhere, every day! Now, you can celebra...
The BIC® Lighter App is now a great app for social settings – concerts, parties, and any place adults come together in the spirit of fun and conversat...
O jogo “BiC®-se" é muito fácil e divertido! Basta observar a sequência das cores e repeti-las na ordem e no ritmo. Pode parecer fácil, mas quanto mais...
Bid Bridge is a Standard English Acol bidding tool to help bridge learners overcome the initial hurdle of getting to grips with the complexities of co...
Learn the most common 1,000 words in French.Being able to utilize two languages sharpens your mental skills and has positive benefits on your everyday...
Learn the most common 1,000 words in Chinese.Being able to utilize two languages sharpens your mental skills and has positive benefits on your everyda...
Learn the most common 1,000 Finnish words. Being able to utilize two languages sharpens your mental skills and has positive benefits on your everyday ...