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World's most admired jokes app for over 4 years now! 1 million people can't be wrong :) ——————————————— EXAMPLE JOKE FROM THE APP ——————————————— "If ...
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Remember every wine, then find them near you. The Snooth wine app (a companion to Snooth.com, the world's largest wine information site) will change t...
5 Processes PMP® and CAPM® Exam. Mnemonics for 4th PMBOK® eBook Introduction This is a PM-ABC eBook for the 4th Edition PMBOK® Guide: the 9 Knowledge ...
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Play a quick game of 1-on-1 Texas Hold'em anywhere. Play against a friend, or against your iPhone or iPod touch. Even play wirelessly against a friend...
BEST CHINESE CHESS ON APPSTORE Chinese Chess Master is the ultimate iPhone and iPod touch Chinese Chess board game. Chinese Chess Master uses pieces ...
Over 10,000,000 people have played iDragPaper! Why? Have you ever had the impulse to drag the whole roll of toilet paper at one go? Now you can realiz...
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