台中市西屯區圖書館含 k 書中心


台中圖書館ibookfun,是替今年耗資20億完工的台中圖書館做宣傳,裡面有1~5層樓的360度實境導覽,讓你身歷其境,先看看這座數位圖書館的環境,在裡面也加入數位設備的介紹和使用方法,有興趣去館內一探究竟的朋友們,不用擔心不知道路,裡面加入了Google Map導航功能。請大家多多支持我們的app...

GPS Navigation

GPS Navigation has in a way improved the lifestyles of people by making travelling easy especially to unknown places. This Android app GPS Navigation ...


Firepoint application helps keep track of fires all over the world using Google Maps and up-to-date information on current outbreaks of fire.In additi...

Jave Apps

This is the apps portfolio for Jave Apps Mobile App Development Company. We develop sleek mobile websites and apps at an affordable price. Contact us ...

CT Anatomy

The user can scroll through each study and select preset contrast windows eg. bone and soft tissue windows for the neck; lung, soft tissue and bone wi...