台中圖書館ibookfun,是替今年耗資20億完工的台中圖書館做宣傳,裡面有1~5層樓的360度實境導覽,讓你身歷其境,先看看這座數位圖書館的環境,在裡面也加入數位設備的介紹和使用方法,有興趣去館內一探究竟的朋友們,不用擔心不知道路,裡面加入了Google Map導航功能。請大家多多支持我們的app...
台中圖書館ibookfun,是替今年耗資20億完工的台中圖書館做宣傳,裡面有1~5層樓的360度實境導覽,讓你身歷其境,先看看這座數位圖書館的環境,在裡面也加入數位設備的介紹和使用方法,有興趣去館內一探究竟的朋友們,不用擔心不知道路,裡面加入了Google Map導航功能。請大家多多支持我們的app...
球國,是著名的Color Lines遊戲的變化。 遊戲規則:將至少一行(水平,垂直或斜)在相同顏色的五個球。球會消失,你會得到一個為他們每個人點。在另一起案件中,三個新的球會被隨機放置在遊戲板上(您在上面看到的)。本場比賽結束時,有沒有空閒的槽板。本場比賽的目的是得分點多,盡量避免全板。該板具有一...
救國團活動中心App除可查詢全台17處中心、山莊與學苑的相關資料,另有即時性的「特惠專案」、趣味性十足的「促銷活動」與會員專屬的「會員優惠」等功能,再結合手機直撥、網路訂房與Google Map定位等服務,讓您出門旅遊更為便利!◆功能內容:中心介紹、客房介紹、餐飲設施、場地設施、周邊景點、中心位置、...
In this Beyond the Basics Guide you'll learn about the User Settings Modes, bracketing, autofocus modes and area modes, multiple exposures, interval t...
As a real Handball fan you don’t want to miss a game of your favorite team.For just a few cents all games of your favorite team(s) are scheduled in yo...
* Món Ăn Việt HD là ứng dụng hướng dẫn bạn cách nấu các món ăn thuần Việt. Ứng dụng là phiên bản Pro của Món Ăn Việt.* Ứng dụng gồm những món ăn ngon ...
In this Beyond the Basics Guide you'll learn about the User Settings Modes, bracketing, autofocus modes and area modes, multiple exposures, interval t...
As a real Handball fan you don’t want to miss a game of your favorite team.For just a few cents all games of your favorite team(s) are scheduled in yo...
Ofertas, promociones y descuentos de los comercios y empresas de Móstoles.Listado de negocios y empresas de Móstoles con descripción detallada de su n...
Want to Take Photos Like a Pro with your Nikon D800? Now you have ready to go instruction of all Nikon D800 camera functions where you need it and whe...