GlucoJournal is the fast, easy to use blood sugar level journaling app for diabetics or other people who need to monitor blood sugar levels. If you ha...
GlucoJournal is the fast, easy to use blood sugar level journaling app for diabetics or other people who need to monitor blood sugar levels. If you ha...
United DJ is the best way to Explore the music.This app will automatically crossfade the "Top 200 Songs Trend".The newest feature of this app is that ...
A puzzle game, similar to four in a row, with the following changes:no gravity, colors of stones can be changed, it doesn't matter with which colo...
This game tests your judgment capabilites.The objective of this game is to express the area of a given shape through the area of another shape. For ex...
A clock widget that shows the current time in words (default interval is 5 minutes).Also known as fuzzy clock.To add widget: long press on home screen...
Displays a LED-like ticker, similar to the iPhone app "Banner".You can change the text, font, fontsize (trackball), orientation (180°), text color and...
高校1年生の矢木 景(やぎ けい)は、入学早々2人の美少女から告白を受けそうになります──しかしその直後、自分が大爆発をおこして死亡する幻覚を体験! ピンク色の謎生物が現れて「次は本当に死ぬ」と警告!! こうして、彼のデスマッチじみたラブコメの日々は幕を開けたのです。※プレイ動画を公開される場合※公...
VVM數學教材國中數學基測詳解94-99年度最容易理解的國中數學基測詳解!!! 本書收錄迄今國中基測考題到最新99年度。以VVM教學法:"V"表示"視覺",讓學生看得到抽象的數學概念,而"VM"(Virtual Manipulative) 表示用電腦程式寫成的虛擬操作元件。針對每個重要的數學概念,設...
※ 職場英語王1 開放免費下載中!只要7天,人人都可以搖身成為職場A咖!內含同事羨慕你,主管賞識你的職場小秘訣,請立即馬上點閱,輕鬆笑傲職場。不要讓英語能力成為職場絆腳石,只要每天執行職場英語王為你量身打造的學習計畫,求職、升遷、考試輕鬆過關,穩坐職場A咖。1. 本應用程式提供多樣化主題,職場難題輕...
This is a very special math book designed for Android.Our aim is not to provide drills for math problems but to answer Many questions students dare no...