

中医对肥胖大体上可分为以下几种类型,即:暴食肥胖型;压力肥胖型;水肿肥胖型;贫血肥胖型;疲劳肥胖型等。中医减肥主要是通过针灸相应穴位加之其它中医常用的辅助治疗手段实现减重, 现代医学认为单纯性肥胖多伴有内分泌紊乱, 各种激素, 尤其是胰岛素、性激素、肾上腺皮质激素、瘦素等异常, 可通过针灸来调理内分...

Tweet ReHab

Addicted to Twitter?We Love Twitter!!! We are Tweeters who where formerly addicted to Twitter and lost control of many things in our lives. We gained ...

Tw nkle

You are a little star who wants to become bright and shiny! But you only have one night to solve many small puzzles. However there are several obstacl...

Tw nkle Lite

You are a little star who wants to become bright and shiny! But you only have one night to solve many small puzzles. However there are several obstacl...