Join Tully the Kiwi on an epic running adventure! Make friends with friendly forest creatures, collect items to decorate your nest, and run further th...
Yet another bird themed game! You control a flightless bird. You must hop helplessly through the fray trying as hard as you can to survive while eatin...
Join Tully the Kiwi on an epic running adventure! Make friends with friendly forest creatures, collect items to decorate your nest, and run further t...
Let's Greet is an Android mobile application that allows mobile phone users to select, personalize, and send digital greeting cards from your smartpho...
Official application of video-service Kiwi.kz. Watch thousands of daily uploaded movies, subscribe to hundreds of channels, comment and share video! N...
Official application of video-service Kiwi.kz.Watch thousands of daily uploaded movies, subscribe to hundreds of channels, comment and share video! No...
嗶一嗶~店家資訊帶著走” 是「食尚玩家」APP概念起源。 「食尚玩家」個人化收藏服務是將《TVBS食尚玩家》多年來 的採訪資料,包括圖文、影音等,建入資料庫,透過雜誌上 QR-Code圖示,即時連到「食尚玩家」APP,為其出版雜誌內 容的閱讀延伸,使得刊物篇幅不再受限,並且能看到更多相 關的主題內容...
“嗶一嗶~店家資訊帶著走” 是「My食尚玩家」APP概念起源。「My食尚玩家」個人化收藏服務是將《TVBS食尚玩家》多年來的採訪資料,包括圖文、影音等,建入資料庫,透過雜誌上QR-Code圖示,即時連到「My食尚玩家」APP,為其出版雜誌內容的閱讀延伸,使得刊物篇幅不再受限,並且能看到更多相關的主題...