可扣抵稅率 2012


本免費程式提供匯率、利率、黃金、汽油、國際股市股票指數、股價資訊,包括:1 台灣各銀行匯率即時匯率查詢匯率排行比較。包含即期匯率、現匯匯率,現金匯率、現鈔匯率比較、排序、外匯匯率換算,換匯,外匯買賣,外匯交易,匯率歷史走勢圖,外匯當日走勢等功能。2 台灣各銀行利率按存款金額排行比較表,信用卡循環利率...

Water Photo

Ripple effect living photos!This is a amazing software which simulates Mac's famous ripple effect screensaver, but more artistic with your own photos ...

Panda Vol.2

Panda, pretty panda for yo, enjoy it. you not alone because you have this sweet panda:) The features of the app: 1. Sweet panda from china. 2. This ap...