

首款硬派风格的黑帮题材卡牌游戏——古惑仔4月16日中午12:00准时火爆公测,六大游戏特色让你爱不释手: 1:游戏中的卡牌人物采用了硬派写实画风,所有角色均有全屏图鉴,多重的进化不但会让属性暴涨,形象上也会出现超大变化,满足你的成就感。六大类美型刺青的镶嵌定会触动你那根年少轻狂的神经。 2:游戏不再...


忙碌的生活,让我们无暇风景。 精力的透支,令我们紧绷不安。 水泥的城市,使我们呆板冷漠。 日复一日,扶持我们心灵之力渐渐消逝; 年复一年,堆积的沉渣又该如何清零? 大梵精品佛文化平台,邀请您放慢脚步。 听一曲梵音,洗涤疲惫的身心; 览几页经典,卸下世俗的纷扰; 依大德开示,品佛门禅韵,结交五湖四海的...


A scratch-off game while going on a date with a cute scratch girl. Scratch the silver parts and get three matching marks. You can go on a date with th...

Camera Fun ™

➤ New Update ➤ Now you can shoot awesome videos with the photo effects! Yowza!! Camera Fun - Point & shoot photo effects camera, shoot pictures and vi...

Water Gallery

This is a amazing software which simulates Mac's famous ripple effect screensaver, but more artistic with immortal paintings and melodious music.The p...