口腔oral cavity是消化道的起始部分。前借口裂与外界相通,后经咽峡与咽相续。口腔内有牙、舌等器官。口腔的前壁为唇、侧壁为颊、顶为腭、口腔底为黏膜和肌等结构。口腔借上、下牙弓分为前外侧部的口腔前庭(oral vestibule)和后内侧部的固有口腔(oral cavity proper);当上...
口腔oral cavity是消化道的起始部分。前借口裂与外界相通,后经咽峡与咽相续。口腔内有牙、舌等器官。口腔的前壁为唇、侧壁为颊、顶为腭、口腔底为黏膜和肌等结构。口腔借上、下牙弓分为前外侧部的口腔前庭(oral vestibule)和后内侧部的固有口腔(oral cavity proper);当上...
口腔为您提供最全面的口腔疾病预防、口腔疾病治疗、口腔保健等知识,行业资讯及展会信息发布、口腔器材设备、招聘、名医名院推荐。。。 软件还带有周边定位功能,快速的寻找到周边的餐厅美食、商场超市、停车服务等等,让用户更方便的体验移动生活服务平台。 温馨提示:应用中“关于我们”及“服务”栏目都有热线直拨功能...
In this app readers will get the book "Thakumar Zhuli" (Grandmother's Tales). This book is a collection of Bengali folk tales and fairy tales. The...
This Android app provides the opportunity to read 100 Bengali Jokes. Just by installing this app, readers or app users will be able to read a book wit...
Ni - is a great Bengali novel of the Bengali writer Humayun Ahmed. Though the name of the book seems like that this one is a Science Fiction but the a...
This is the official Android application for the technology tips and tricks related blog TechnTechie. Readers will be able to get update about TechnTe...
Abol Tabol by Sukumar Ray, the essential book of nonsense for Bengalis. This book has table of contents and 'add to favorites' for your conven...
This is a popular novel by Humayun Ahmed who is one of the greatest writers of Bangladesh. The novel is just awesome and is also popular. Misir Ali is...
紙媒体とデジタルコンテンツを連携させるアプリ「読売ヨミとる」が誕生しました。 「読売ヨミとる」は紙媒体に印刷した写真やイラストを識別し、あらかじめ設定した動画や音声などのデジタルコンテンツをスマートフォンに表示する機能を持ちます。写真やイラストを掲載する紙媒体は読売新聞本紙に限らず、ポスターやチラ...