Play-my-note Extra
Play-my-note with extra features! Play-my-note is a unique music interface to play notes the way they appear on your score. The Extra version includes...
Play-my-note with extra features! Play-my-note is a unique music interface to play notes the way they appear on your score. The Extra version includes...
We start in UAE – Dubai and its owned by Zoom Travels Dubai . Our Extra Miles programme is free and will change the way you see the world forever. It&...
Si tienes un smartphone con tarifa de datos, y un correo electrónico, ya puedes empezar a ahorrar. Descubre páginas y aplicaciones móviles gratuitas q...
Agora está mais fácil de acessar o, 1º Shopping Mercado da internet brasileira. Faça o download do aplicativo e tenha mais de 600 mil pro...
简介 全呼通 首款手机app不需要任何投资设备,一部手机实现万人群呼功能, 代替人工拨号 代替人工,瞬间拨打上万客户的电话,拨打的过程全部由群呼平台自动完成。您只需要将客户电话号码导入平台即可。 模仿真人语音 模仿真人录音,声情并茂、绘声绘色。模仿电话营销时,对每位客户说话的开场白因为,电话营销时开...
应用介绍:天易群呼——电话会议极速高清版。业界领先的舰级产品!独一无二的专业便捷会议电话,一键即呼多方会议,企业必备。 天易群呼是一款旨在节省会议成本、提升工作效率的专业会议电话,可随时随地、移动开会。 只需会议主持人安装,即可一键发起电话会议,呼叫可直达普通手机和固话! 天易群呼携手电信、华为,以...
本應用程式採取簡單、互動式的方式,讓用戶對人體解剖學(肌肉和骨骼的名稱、位置以及形狀)有良好的基本認識。本應用程式也包括詳細的插圖和資訊,方便求知若渴的用戶進一步學習解剖學。在全方位互動式三維環境中(旋轉,縮放, 平移和觸摸)或者透過互動式二維導航圖觀察所有肌肉和骨骼。客戶參加三維小測驗以測試和提高...
WF Multi is a system for remote approval of purchase orders, which connects to the Microsoft Dynamics AX ERP 4.0.In the main menu you can access the S...
O WF Multi permite que os usuários aprovadores não tenham mais a necessidade de acessar o Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 para visualizar, aprovar e rejeita...
Test yourself!!Exercise your ability to focus and speedTouch-speed tests at the same time, attention span to identify the buttons to be destroyed, and...