印刷廠 中和


电子杂志《新印刷》,是科印传媒为App,Android平台打造的多媒体电子杂志,内容独立于科印传媒传统期刊,功能上,远远超过纸质媒体。 手机电子杂志《新印刷》以“印刷前沿,应用先锋”为办刊宗旨,以“发现、新锐、品味”为选题理念,以“深入、实用、精致”为编辑方针,在汪洋信息的当下,精选、有料、干货、有...

Water Photo

Ripple effect living photos!This is a amazing software which simulates Mac's famous ripple effect screensaver, but more artistic with your own photos ...

Panda Vol.2

Panda, pretty panda for yo, enjoy it. you not alone because you have this sweet panda:) The features of the app: 1. Sweet panda from china. 2. This ap...