一款天文爱好者必备的天文观测应用,利用它你能够辨识出可见的恒星、行星、星系、星座,甚至卫星。只需站在某个位置并对着天空握持手机,The Night Sky 就会显示您能看到的恒星、行星和其他天体的名称。即便云层或日光挡住了您的视野,The Night Sky 应用程序也会知道视野之外的那些恒星、行星...
一款天文爱好者必备的天文观测应用,利用它你能够辨识出可见的恒星、行星、星系、星座,甚至卫星。只需站在某个位置并对着天空握持手机,The Night Sky 就会显示您能看到的恒星、行星和其他天体的名称。即便云层或日光挡住了您的视野,The Night Sky 应用程序也会知道视野之外的那些恒星、行星...
《星空月下 Star Sky》是一款艺术游戏。很难确定这是一款游戏还是一个小品级演出程序,你所需要做的只是点击屏幕,让人物在美丽的夜空下行走。而你享受的游戏乐趣则是享受这美丽的夜空,星光和一轮皎月。静下你的心境,去用呼吸感受着星空月下吧。免費玩星空月下 APP玩免費免費玩星空月下 App星空月下 A...
餐廳物語:與朋友一起選擇頂級菜肴,設計獨特的餐廳!Android 平台排名第一的免費“故事”系列虛擬游戲,餐廳物語重磅歸來!設計自己的夢想餐廳, 別忘了選擇迷人裝飾和美味新菜品,讓顧客賓至如歸,大快朵頤!憑借種類繁多的菜品和非凡創造力,設計打造獨特的餐廳.定制並選擇適合自身品味的頂級菜肴.展示自己的...
The Vishnu sahasranamam is a list of 1,000 names of Vishnu, one of the main forms of God in Hinduism. It is also one of the most sacred and commonly c...
Congrats you’re joining the millions who are finally getting success they deserve with the Ketogenic Diet. This diet works. No doubt. However the bigg...
The Fresh Express 30-Day Salad Swap lets you recreate the flavors of your favorite higher calorie foods, like cheesy pizza and creamy pasta, in lower ...
***** Disclaimer: This app is NOT supported or sponsored or owned by Khan Academy. You still can study online on www.khanacademy.org *****Now you can ...
Burma Mapa. Scopri percorsi, foto e consigli di migliaia di viaggiatori e le migliori offerte per organizzare il tuo viaggio, e condividi le tue esper...
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A remote control app for Popcorn Time (https://popcorntime.io/)Popcorn Time offers a jsonRPC API that lets you send remote commands to control the des...