欢迎来到美味餐厅!这次艾米莉经营的是一个路边餐厅,不能继续她的城市美食之旅。你能使艾米莉的餐厅再次成为声名远扬吗? 美味餐厅系列第4作,艾米莉又回来了,我们将和她一起共同谱写新的餐厅序曲。游戏画面延续这个系列清新明快的风格,各种图象绘制的精致细腻、卡通感十足,女主角艾米莉的造型也给玩家留下了深刻的印...
欢迎来到美味餐厅!这次艾米莉经营的是一个路边餐厅,不能继续她的城市美食之旅。你能使艾米莉的餐厅再次成为声名远扬吗? 美味餐厅系列第4作,艾米莉又回来了,我们将和她一起共同谱写新的餐厅序曲。游戏画面延续这个系列清新明快的风格,各种图象绘制的精致细腻、卡通感十足,女主角艾米莉的造型也给玩家留下了深刻的印...
Every day, 365 days, you'll receive a focus word or phrase designed to raise your vibration! * Gives your Subconscious mind a focus* Sets your Ret...
Preparati per un super quiz sul basket sul basket e scopri il tuo punteggio.Sfida i tuoi amici e batti sempre di più il tuo record se sei un allenator...
sei stanco delle solite previsioni fasulle e tarocche del meto? Io direi proprio di sì. Grazie a questa fantastica e eccellente, vincitrice del premio...
svolgi calcoli a mente il più velocemente possibile e scopri quanto ci sai fare con la matematica. Niente publicità nè acquisti in app. Buon divertime...
Το NOW GREECE είναι μία νέα επαναστατική εφαρμογή αμιγώς ελληνική προϊόν συνεργασίας GRAFISTES - GRINTEAM - 3DG, η οποία ανεβάζει μεγάλες προσφορές οι...
Spanish Alphabet (Alfabeto) and Numbers is one of the complete android applications for spanish alphabeto and letra learning. The kids can also learn ...
Spanish Alphabet (Alfabeto) and Numbers is one of the complete android applications for spanish alphabeto and letra learning. The kids can also learn ...
Requirements-It need the rooted phone with CM11 ROM and latest Theme chooser Engine to use this Theme.-Please Noted that I make in XXHDPI resolutions....