
Algal 2014

The 4th International Conference on Algal Biomass, Biofuels and Bioproducts provides direct interaction for attending delegates, with scientific and t...


球國,是著名的Color Lines遊戲的變化。 遊戲規則:將至少一行(水平,垂直或斜)在相同顏色的五個球。球會消失,你會得到一個為他們每個人點。在另一起案件中,三個新的球會被隨機放置在遊戲板上(您在上面看到的)。本場比賽結束時,有沒有空閒的槽板。本場比賽的目的是得分點多,盡量避免全板。該板具有一...

Kovai Cinemas

Kovai Cinemas shows the list of movies running in the theaters in Coimbatore City. It gives information about the movie including the actors, duration...