

大家还几个这个曾经影响过我们一代人的火柴棒小人吗,没错,它就是小小. 也许你对朱志强这个名字还很陌生,但是提到他创作的火柴人小小,所有的中国网民都会肃然起敬.他是中国互联网红极一时的偶像人物,他开创了flash产业化之先河.从2000年到2002年,他一共创作了9部小小作品,几乎个个经典,其中《小小...


NoteMee is the future of messaging.It's a mobile messenger that enables to communicate instantly with your friends via your own handwriting. NoteMee i...


The SkanzJr app is used with SkanzJr wristbands, which are silicone bracelets that each have a unique QR code and a special code inside that is entere...

iTikes Sampler

Explore the world of iTikes with the iTikes Sampler app. iTikes is a line of interactive toys that helps kids learn by piquing their curiosity, and ch...