

玩过交通管制吗? 让你一秒钟变交警有木有!整个场面需要被你HOLD住! 交通安全由你指挥。 城市车辆高峰时间即将到来,交通流量开始加剧,在这个游戏中,你的任务就是控制交通,让车辆安全的通过十字路口。但是有交警必须要去另一个路口管理交通秩序,你必须控制所以车辆避让警车,让警车更快的到达目的地。 游戏规...

Tower Doodle

*OVER 1 MILLION DOWNLOADS +++This is a very strategic game, stack all the Towers to reach the green target. If u touch the red target u will loose a l...

Tower Down

The land is approved; the loan is ready. Let’s hurry up and build a tower!In this crowded and busy city, the land is more and more rare. But now you g...