
My Math 卓越數學 - Lite

* 小康軒My Math卓越數學 Lite 版,免費提供15題幼兒數學解題練習,歡迎下載挑戰。* 更多幼兒數學解題練習,請下載My Math卓越數學完整版。小康軒My Math卓越數學App系列,分為初、中、高三個等級,學習內容包含「數」 「量」 「圖形與空間」 「邏輯」 四個數學概念,並依幼兒數概...

The Tough Quiz

The Tough Quiz does what it says on the tin. No-one knows how many questions it has, no-one knows if it’s ever completed. No easy shortcuts here. Ther...

Dream JackPot

Pack your bags and go to Las Vegas!Try to win the JackPot and become a millionaire!You start the game with $500 in your pocket.With that, try to explo...