這個佛教音樂節目有20個佛教歌曲,包括:心經、文殊菩薩咒、嗡嘛呢叭咪坎、般若波羅蜜多心經、六字大明咒、般若佛母心咒、南無阿彌陀佛...聽完心境平和... 《般若波羅密多心經》,簡稱《般若心經》、《心經》,是般若經系列中一部極為重要的經典。《心經》言簡義豐、博大精深、提綱挈領,直明「第一義諦」,集中展...
讓輕鬆的音樂,你可以搜索並下載歌曲的Thunderbird。您可以操作,通過當地的音樂庫,刪除,旋轉,設置為鈴聲。並聽取被許可的“自由使用”的歌曲。使用簡單 - 在“下載”選項卡中輸入您的搜索,點擊“搜索”按鈕,等待結果來加載,然後單擊要下載的數量。在“播放”就可以聽歌使用本資料下載。 下載到設備上...
內容介紹 : 我希望你喜歡它。 如果存在錯誤,請告訴我們(電子郵件),我們將修復它盡快。 非常感謝您的支持! 主要特性: 1,初音未來的生活壁紙 2,一個簡單有趣的益智遊戲 3,支持觸摸式互動 4,更多個性化的選擇 5,完全免費 初音未來(初音ミク)是歌唱合成器應用程序和它的女主人公,開發的Cry...
All you wanted to know about glamorising your nails, in one place!! How To Do Cute Nails is the best video guide for you to make your nails gorgeous. ...
1.Player is the Cube.2.If you touch the right to move to the right.3.If you touch the left player is moved to the left.4.I catch those flowing from th...
SHOOTING WORMS is a fast action shoot'em up, where you just shoot'em up.You will run out of lives. What you do only changes when. There are some thing...
Now you are invited to enjoy the new and modern Hercules adventure game to play in another way! Use various tools of destruction to destroy The Big An...
Now you are invited to enjoy the new and modern Hercules adventure game to play in another way! Use various tools of destruction to destroy The Big An...
Shooting Target Practicefor iPad, iPod Touch and iPhoneShoot as many targets as possible in 30, 60 or 120 sec.------------------- ---FEATURES---------...