內容介紹 : 換裝化妝 想要成為一個化妝師?創建看你一直想擁有時尚時間。妝明星,並以全新的面貌給芭比公主。 時尚時間為您提供了各種各樣的改造選項。決定從眼睛的顏色,甚至運用睫毛膏,腮紅,甚至適用於有這麼多色調的口紅。使用來自多種顏色的嘴唇和腮紅。淡化你到底想要的顏色的深淺。您是改造明星,甚至決定從...
內容介紹 : 換裝化妝 想要成為一個化妝師?創建看你一直想擁有時尚時間。妝明星,並以全新的面貌給芭比公主。 時尚時間為您提供了各種各樣的改造選項。決定從眼睛的顏色,甚至運用睫毛膏,腮紅,甚至適用於有這麼多色調的口紅。使用來自多種顏色的嘴唇和腮紅。淡化你到底想要的顏色的深淺。您是改造明星,甚至決定從...
换装化妆 想要成为一个化妆师?创建看你一直想拥有时尚时间。妆明星,并以全新的面貌给芭比公主。 时尚时间为您提供了各种各样的改造选项。决定从眼睛的颜色,甚至运用睫毛膏,腮红,甚至适用于有这么多色调的口红。使用来自多种颜色的嘴唇和腮红。淡化你到底想要的颜色的深浅。您是改造明星,甚至决定从各种项链,穿这么...
还在为需要一个小物品时将家里翻箱倒柜烦恼么?“桃桃的收纳盒”,在您整理物品的同时收录该物品放置的盒子和地方,在您需要的时候,只需啪啪啪点几下,即可从繁杂的物品中找到您想要的物品,再直接从盒子里去取该物品,oh yeah~,再小的物品也能轻松找到,妈妈再也不用担心我翻箱倒柜了! 应用特色: 1. 储存...
GRANDES INVENTOSAparatos tan comunes hoy en día como las baterías, el reloj, el teléfono y el avión han revolucionado la historia, la industria y las ...
This app allows you to create your own coloring books. You can build them from a 500+ unique stickers. A lot of brushes will help you to achieve best ...
This story is about the waiting of grandma Osha and the rest of the neighbors in the fareej for the return of the men from their long pearl diving tri...
Designed and written by iPhone users for iPhone users, Grand Tour Paris and London combines rich, opinionated cultural and historic coverage of both c...
Welcome to My College Inquiry, a college fair application and university research app!With My College Inquiry mobile application there is no need to f...
Illustrator: Gustavo MazaliRecommended age: 8 to 9.This wonderful application allows you to read the e-book or listen to while playing.It has a game t...
Would you like to learn the art of Tasting Wine ?Wine Tasting is the Application which teaches you how to enjoy Wine.Through simple steps, you’ll know...