Virtual Road Signs
"Virtual Road Signs" app, developed by PetrSU, assists travelers in Karelia. Republic of Karelia is quite large and has relatively low density of popu...
"Virtual Road Signs" app, developed by PetrSU, assists travelers in Karelia. Republic of Karelia is quite large and has relatively low density of popu...
新移民全球新聞APP,搭載新移民普遍使用之智慧型手機,提升本網站之黏著度及新聞傳播廣度,善用網路特性,結合目前最夯之趨勢行銷工具,與移民署共同打造新移民新聞總入口網的目標! 多語言APP提供就業輔導之選單,並利用APP之推播功能,提供更快速、更方便求職入口點,在許多研究資料中顯示,新移民利用行動裝置...
少壮不努力,一生在内地。大多数人都想离开兲朝,但却总觉得留学移民离自己非常遥远。然而事实并非如此,大学教授可以移民,厨师可以移民,有工作经验的脱衣舞女也可以移民,当然悲催的IT男也可以,而且大家一律平等滴被称为“技术移民”也就是"skilled workers immigration"。 本软件依据...
Australia Immigration App is linked to the official site of Department of Immigration and Border Protection. Australia Immigration App helps to delive...
Welcome to the game of Christmas Bell. You just have to throw the bell like a ball.Before the happy new year it is the perfect time to play this lucky...
Now play Snooker 3D Pool Game 2015 and become a master in snooker. This game contains full high quality 3D graphics. This game contains two playing mo...
The easiest and fastest way to record and playback short, temporary recordings. The goal of the app is to give you the simplest interface possibly to ...
Dive off of buildings in VR with Caaaaardboard!, a custom-tailored version of Aaaaa! (Works with Google Cardboard!)Owlchemy Labs (creators of hit indi...
The Vishnu sahasranamam is a list of 1,000 names of Vishnu, one of the main forms of God in Hinduism. It is also one of the most sacred and commonly c...