

「食品資訊服務網」App是經濟部技術處,利用雲端運算技術,建立一個「食品履歷追溯服務平台」,隨時提供民眾更便利的查詢食品履歷管理資料管道。 APP特色 a.可快速了解產品特色、標章、原料履歷、成品檢驗資訊、生產履歷等資訊 b. 快速、準確的條碼掃描,一維條碼及QRcode皆可查詢關鍵字:食品資訊、食...

The Tough Quiz

The Tough Quiz does what it says on the tin. No-one knows how many questions it has, no-one knows if it’s ever completed. No easy shortcuts here. Ther...

Dream JackPot

Pack your bags and go to Las Vegas!Try to win the JackPot and become a millionaire!You start the game with $500 in your pocket.With that, try to explo...