凱莉哥 悶燒罐


An official application of the Russian newspaper ANP. Your favourite newspaper is always with you wherever you are. News by the category including bus...

Gobandroid HD

Gobandroid 是一款在安卓系統下的圍棋開源軟件,可用於圍棋的覆盤研究與人機對弈。圍棋在2000多年以前源於中國,以相對簡單的規則演示著高度且極富策略性的遊戲。每一盤棋局的進展,富含大量的變化可能性,因此圍棋被稱為現今最複雜的遊戲。[1] [2]特色:詰碁(圍棋題庫)覆盤(以SGF格式)錄譜(...

Find Places

Checkout "iFind Places" before visiting any destination (restaurants, bars, malls, coffee shops, gas stations etc.). Get coupons and reviews."iFind Pl...