小编自爆过自己玩不转飞行模拟类游戏,越真实越玩不了,看着满屏幕的仪表盘和绿色数字就头晕。但今天小编要告诉大家一个好消息,飞行理论意外地被小编我玩转啦。当然主要是因为这款飞行模拟游戏难度把握得好,细节刻画得既真实又舒适,操作也是几个虚拟按钮加上重力感应就可以搞定的事情。最关键的是,游戏支持中文。 游戏...
紙飛機,玩的不是遊戲,而是虐心,激起妳童年的回憶,根本停不下來啊?★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★●◆遊戲說明 紙飛機是壹款非常有趣的休閑娛樂小遊戲,玩家通過點擊屏幕左下角和右下角控制紙飛機左右飛行,飛行中需要躲避牆壁上的水管,壹直往前飛,飛行得越遠,獲得的分數越高...
New Conservation Facts from THE NATURE CONSERVANCY are now included.My Bird World, co-produced with the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, was named TOP 10 T...
As a child, I would check the weather during the winter months to see if the wind chill would result in a day off school. In 2001, the National Weathe...
My Binary Clock is a true binary clock with amazing themes. Enjoy it during the day or at night and confuse your friends and co-workers.- Choose from ...
Digital Thermometer display the current air temperature and the wind chill based on your GPS position.The Wind chill is the apparent temperature felt ...
Special Spring Pricing on this award winning game.Featuring stunning high-res images, amazing bird songs and calls from The Cornell Lab of Ornithology...
A Colorful Audiovisual Picturebook for Babies and Toddlers* funny and colorful illustrations * single words are narrated when touched* pleasant backgr...
My Big Coloring Book is a fun new coloring activity for all ages. Choose from a wide variety of drawing tools and bright colors to unleash your creati...