
Local weather

Application had some trubles with data source. With the new update it works again.The application "Local weather" gives you the overview of the weathe...

Local Dating

Looking for a date? Look no further! Use our free app to connect with millions of singles in our database. Local Datin app connects you with other sin...

Quick Locale

Do you change your device's language often?Got a family member who uses your phone, but can only read a separate language from you?Quick Locale is...

1分間英熟語 完全版1400

1単語1秒で覚える「1分間英熟語」が 「音声付」でついに登場! 熟語レベルは、大学受験、TOEIC600点までに対応。 書籍「1分間英単語」は、累計で100万部を突破しています。 見た瞬間にゼロ秒でわかる→赤に分類。 見て3秒で意味がわかる→緑に分類。 見たことはあるが思い出せない→黄色に分類。 見...