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公文是用于公务活动的一种应用文书,是统治阶级管理国家,处理政务时用来颁布法律、法规、规章、传达政策法令、请示和答复问题、汇报情况、联系工作、制定计划以及记载政务活动的重要工具。公文出自法定的机关单位,具有处理公务的合法效用。免費玩公文写作技巧大全 APP玩免費免費玩公文写作技巧大全 App公文写作技...
公文是用于公务活动的一种应用文书,是统治阶级管理国家,处理政务时用来颁布法律、法规、规章、传达政策法令、请示和答复问题、汇报情况、联系工作、制定计划以及记载政务活动的重要工具。公文出自法定的机关单位,具有处理公务的合法效用。免費玩公文写作技巧大全 APP玩免費免費玩公文写作技巧大全 App公文写作技...
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It's an math game in witch you need to make the number 10 by operating with 4 numbers and 4 operations.First : Choose a numberSecond : Choose an o...
30% OFF FOR LIMITED TIME ONLY!!!!Countdown Maths Game is a beautifully designed and simple maths game based on the TV show 'Countdown'. The ai...
Educational Math Game for Kids!Features★ Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division★ Questions unlimited★ Designed for phones and tablets★ Sup...
With this math game, you can improve your mind and have fun at the same time.How to play?All you need to do is that just reach a target number by usin...
Maths games for kids help to count your mathematical power.免費玩Maths Game For Kids APP玩免費免費玩Maths Game For Kids AppMaths Game For Kids APP LOGOMaths Ga...
Mental computation oriented tile matching exercise and memory game involving basic mathematical operation up to number 400 (20 x 20). Contains memory ...