灵山大佛景区坐落于无锡马山秦履峰南侧的小灵山地区,在无锡太湖国家旅游度假区内,占地面积约30公顷。此处原为唐宋名刹祥符寺之旧址,为保存古迹,弘扬文化,落实宗教政策,由修复祥符禅寺建造大佛立像筹建委筹划,在恢复祥符寺的同时,兴建88米高的露天青铜释迦牟尼佛立像。 *景点门票1折起预订! 不要注册!不要...
灵山大佛景区坐落于无锡马山秦履峰南侧的小灵山地区,在无锡太湖国家旅游度假区内,占地面积约30公顷。此处原为唐宋名刹祥符寺之旧址,为保存古迹,弘扬文化,落实宗教政策,由修复祥符禅寺建造大佛立像筹建委筹划,在恢复祥符寺的同时,兴建88米高的露天青铜释迦牟尼佛立像。 *景点门票1折起预订! 不要注册!不要...
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Hoggy is a fun puzzle platformer that combines the best elements of classic side-scrolling video games with a unique puzzle flavor!You control Hoggy. ...
Enjoy your very own dancing elephant!This app is part game and part music application, featuring drum beats and a 3D animated elephant character who d...
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mCARDS is the perfect app to learn Chinese quickly and effectively.mCARDS 'Starter' is suited to absolute beginners, and contains 570 basic wo...
Mit der ‘Die Notizen und Termine PRO’ App haben Sie einen Reiseführer zu Ihrem Ziel mit Speicheradressen and können Sie Ihre Zeit optimal organisieren...
With the 'Notes and Calendar' application you have a guider to navigate to your destination with a store of addresses and you can organize you...
O TEDxUnisinos chega à sua terceira edição e, este ano, oferece um aplicativo exclusivo para o público. Baixe o aplicativo para conhecer mais sobre o ...