메시지 및 사진 등을 편집 및 공유하기 위한 App. 스마트폰 메신저와 연동되어져 있으며, 여러장 사진 및 음악, 지도 등을 서로 주고 받을 수 있습니다. 기능은 아래와 같습니다. 1. 이미지 편집 2. 이모티콘 3. 글자 입력 및 색상, 폰트 변경 4. 공개 템플릿 ...
ZERT is a puzzle game inspired by Tetris, Xixit, and Lose Your Marbles. You have to make spheres disappear by making them into lines of 3, 4, or 5 of ...
Hoggy is a fun puzzle platformer that combines the best elements of classic side-scrolling video games with a unique puzzle flavor!You control Hoggy. ...
Love love life adventure with lovely housemaids developed in mysterious European-style building. Please satisfy service sincere from lovely housemaids...
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the clock goes back 2 type of clock support ! we usually regret end of a day - work more hard - study more hard - play more hard - meet more people pe...
★★★★★ Romantic candle 3D Clock ★★★★★ For the romantic moments... Nice rotational 3D Clock. Change the Candle color with double tap and configure (i bu...
### Game Overview ### Now you can play the arcade hit and Xbox360 shooting sensation ESPGALUDA II right at your fingertips on the iPhone and iPod touc...
A beginner is also easy! It is delicious! Happy meal which you can cook from today. They are 103 recipes from the standard to the rice, soup, and the ...