全国教育信息化工作进展信息系统,通过国家、省、市、县各级地区管理员以及学校管理员在线填报的方式收集教育信息化工作进展主要指标,以电子地图、分析图表等直观方式展示教育信息化工作进展情况,宣传和督促教育信息化各项工作的开展,为把握教育信息化工作进展和进一步部署教育信息化工作提供参考依据。 主办单位:中华...
塔夫里阿诺斯的这部潜心力作自1970年初版问世以来,赞誉如潮,被译成多种语言流传于世,可谓经典之中的经典。 作者文笔隽永、笔力深厚、才思横溢,整部著作前后一贯。 近年来,在作全球观点或包含全于内容重新进行世界史写的尝试中,最具有推动作用的那些著作恰恰是由历史学家个人独立完成的,其中以斯塔夫里阿诺斯的...
This application is developed for the citizens of Dhaka, to put the police services at their doorsteps. This is developed under the complete supervisi...
See how long you can watch him knead the bread! Literally just a simple application.android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE - For simple banner adandr...
Heart of Jesus, I put my trust in Thee! In this hectic world, we often have too little time each day to pray or read inspirational bible verses and qu...
Need more motivation? Want more success?This app gives you many wise quotes on success, perseverance, courage, inspiration & hope.These motivational q...
The intent of developing this program is to create a comprehensive and free Quran application that serves all Muslims.***You will need to download the...
Top Quotes by Gautama Buddha! Also known as Siddhartha Gautama, he was a spiritual teacher in the north eastern region of the Indian subcontinent who ...
Khalsa Sundar Gutka contains the daily and extended Sikh Prayers also known as nitnem. We hope to include more banis and features in the future. The S...