Countries Handbook
200+ countries' information, multi-lingual. Touch this handbook to surf population, area, literacy rate, life expectancy, GDP, HDI, flag image, lo...
200+ countries' information, multi-lingual. Touch this handbook to surf population, area, literacy rate, life expectancy, GDP, HDI, flag image, lo...
The Veterinary Handbook app for cattle, sheep and goats is a comprehensive, mobile resource for veterinarians, animal health professionals, livestock ...
With the arrival of the Barbizon Electrician's Handbook App, Barbizon Lighting Company is giving Entertainment Technicians our coveted little flip...
This app is an interactive reference tool of the Ranger Handbook. This version of the Ranger Handbook includes 7 video animations of how to conduct mo...
Acupuncture is a collection of procedures involving penetration of the skin with needles to stimulate certain points on the body. In its classical for...
Quick charts for Industrial Insulators for on the job access to basic on the job information-Cut & Rolled Chart-45 & 90 Degree Pressed Elbow Chart-Sho...
Are you a little too busy to maintain the luxurious locks of the Lhasa Apso? Do you want the personal protection of a Doberman Pinscher but don't ...
新增.整理多項出題模式 >>多樣化的出題模式只有一個目標,就是讓你快速的將內容經過大腦的海馬迴 儲存到永久記憶區中。 新增.多項答題狀況的檢視>>方便使用者檢視自身答題狀況與結果 維護.優化系統內存>>優化答題順暢度 新增.自動演練功能>>讓電腦帶著你把題目走過N次,快速將提庫輸入腦中 新增自訂答對...
本英文文法應用程式適用對象為多益及全民英檢的考生。其內容包含10個章節,每章都有文法重點及測驗,測驗題目總共有100題,方便讀者同時學習和練習。第一次下載使用本產品的朋友,系統會要求幫您安裝檔案大小約15MB的Adobe AIR軟體。請你一併下載安裝完畢後,再到手機應用程式處找到本產品的圖示,然後請...
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