全台奧黛莉 easy shop 門市電話

Easy BMI

BMI = Body Mass IndexFor a given height, BMI is proportional to mass.THIS APPLICATION (EASY BMI) IS A SIMPLE CALCULATOR OF BMI.This is the latest BMI ...

Easy Hami

Easy Hami手機錢包結合悠遊卡與信用卡、優惠券等功能,只要向指定門市(請參考下方說明)申辦中華電信門號之NFC SIM卡,即可透過Easy Hami手機錢包開啟悠遊電信卡功能,並可向相關銀行申辦手機信用卡(申辦條件依各銀行而定)。Easy Hami手機錢包宛如實體錢包般的功能,讓您一機在手,即...

Easy Expense

Easy Expense records any type of your expenses and provides spending statistics,so you have a better understanding where your money goes.Key features:...

Easy Dice

An easy to use but feature-packed dice throwing app for Android! Simply tap the screen to start throwing. Touch dice to hold them, excluding them from...

Easy Find

DESCRIPTION:Main Uses:• With the Easy Find application losing your smart mobile phone is now a thing of the past. • Access and locate your lost phone ...