

《小兔堆堆 Stack Rabbit》是一款迪士尼出品的休闲益智游戏。由迪士尼和鳄鱼小顽皮爱洗澡的制作团队倾力打造!一起来跳跃吧,挑战这款全新的解谜冒险游戏!立即下载,开动脑筋用各种堆放办法成功解谜吧! 兔子本原先安宁的偷菜生活现在完全被颠覆了,他的姐姐去度假,却把自己那群调皮捣蛋的兔孩子们交给本来...

Anti Bark

Anti Bark is an app that emits ultrasonic distressing in dogs and acts as a bark repellent / anti dogs app.The frequency of emitted sound can be annoy...

Nightmare Lite

*This game is light version which includes some parts of "the Nightmare" the paid version.Blow out the demons and escape from the world of nightmare !...