从重重致命危机中保护梦游鸡! Gregg正在他的洞中打着瞌睡,突然一只鸡重重地掉到了他的脑袋上!你肯定能想象到,Gregg很不高兴,他愤怒地跳起来,却发现另一只梦游鸡已经开始走起来。现在他的空洞已经变成了一个致命陷阱!太晚了,那只鸡跌落了下去…… Gregg对那只鸡死亡感到十分愧疚,他发誓绝对不会再...
从重重致命危机中保护梦游鸡! Gregg正在他的洞中打着瞌睡,突然一只鸡重重地掉到了他的脑袋上!你肯定能想象到,Gregg很不高兴,他愤怒地跳起来,却发现另一只梦游鸡已经开始走起来。现在他的空洞已经变成了一个致命陷阱!太晚了,那只鸡跌落了下去…… Gregg对那只鸡死亡感到十分愧疚,他发誓绝对不会再...
Daltonizer is a color blindness simulator application that uses the camera device.It can be used to illustrate how the color blind see the world or to...
Daltonia es el juego de igualación de colores más simple, adictivo y delicado que encontrarás en Google Play.Intenta igualar el color presentado a la ...
La aplicación gratuita de Dalton Seminuevos, te ayudará a encontrar tu próximo auto seminuevo dentro de una diversidad de marcas en el inventario. Con...
史上首款特工类虐心小游戏来了!!! 是的,你没看错,这是一款需要你手脑并用的游戏。潜入古堡,盗取重要机密文件! 如果你符合以下要求:有手有脑、IQ不为负数、有颗沉着冷静的心、时刻保持警惕, 恭喜,你已经可以加入我们神偷特工团队,接下来就可以开始挑战啦啦~~ 避开红外线,成功盗取文件,注意不要松懈,随...
Elisabeth ist eine künstliche Intelligenz und ein künstlicher Psychotherapeut!Per Sprach- oder Texteingabe kannst du mit ihr über deine Probleme reden...
Experience the power of SPOTLIO’s mobile platform, built for the specific needs of destination resorts, leisure operators and event organizers, by dow...
Fundada em 1984, a Cerâmica Elizabeth é uma empresa que já nasceu com os olhos voltados para o futuro. Sua estrutura técnico-industrial a coloca como ...
Welcome to Lønstrup! This is the official tourist guide to everything you need to know before and during your visit to Lønstrup. We welcome you, and h...
Big and Small animated iPhone & iPad app Updated with all new animations and interactivity to engage your children Children both big and small will lo...