「經銷商須知」是台灣彩券提供給第四屆公益彩券電腦型彩券經銷商有關開店籌備相關資訊的行動服務平台。內容包含: 1.「形象識別標誌色彩應用規範」 2.「戶外招牌示意圖」 3.「招牌比例示意圖」 4.「三坪、五坪、十坪(含)以上的空間示意圖以及平面動線配置圖」 5.「店內/外裝潢、設備、用品」 6.「刮刮...
「經銷商須知」是台灣彩券提供給第四屆公益彩券電腦型彩券經銷商有關開店籌備相關資訊的行動服務平台。內容包含: 1.「形象識別標誌色彩應用規範」 2.「戶外招牌示意圖」 3.「招牌比例示意圖」 4.「三坪、五坪、十坪(含)以上的空間示意圖以及平面動線配置圖」 5.「店內/外裝潢、設備、用品」 6.「刮刮...
玩腻了旅行团制式的旅游行程 每次去的景点、吃的餐点总是旅游手册耳熟能详的又不令人惊奇的食品 自由安排行程是自由行最大的乐趣,可以了解当地文化与特色,但是自助旅行最耗费的就是时间,体力和金钱。台北自由行APP是您最好的选择,为您集结许多食衣住行育乐,不管是要先订房住宿,寻找巷弄特色小吃,购买流行服饰配...
玩腻了旅行团制式的旅游行程吗?? 每次去的景点、吃的餐点总是旅游手册耳熟能详的又不令人惊奇的食品?自由安排行程是自由行最大的乐趣,可以了解当地文化与特色,但是自助旅行最耗费的就是时间,体力和金钱。台北自由行APP是您最好的选择,为您集结许多食衣住行育乐,不管是要先订房住宿,寻找巷弄特色小吃,购买流行...
Street Smart is specially crafted for SHOPAHOLICS who would love to discover and Use Offers/ Coupon Codes / Discounts across all leading Shops, Street...
WE’RE HIRING! Do you have what Toy Store needs? Requirements: Skilled employees willing to have fun! Joey has been, for many, many years, in charge of...
Rapidly growing in popularity, mass collaboration (crowdsourced) collecting data on city infrastructure. Involving citizens in reporting problems, hel...
The camera which can take a photograph like the street view (photograph of 360 degrees) of GoogleMap -- it is an application. The room of a house and ...
This is a tool that makes it easy for anyone to minister, and share the love of Christ with the lost and broken everywhere. Its major focus concerns t...
FEATURESThis is the most fun your child can have while learning!You will be amazed how fast your child picks this game up. They will use quick thinkin...
Just featured on Smart Apps For Kids for children!The long-awaited sequel to our most successful kids game is finally here! Get your kids excited abou...