光陽 奔騰 125 v2

VirtCello v2

VirtCello v2 (c) PGBapps, is an app for emulating the Cello. This Cello is a musical instrument with a twist. Use of orientation sensor and a tilt of ...

Snake V2

Classic snake gameFeatures:•Different control configurations•Snake has three lives•Different game speeds•Choose to block walls or allow snake through ...

宝宝排列分类潜能大开发 - 全脑体操 - 动学书LivenBooks

========内容提要======== 宝宝排列分类潜能大开发(全脑体操排列分类篇)由育婴专家贝因美和来同科技联合出品,遵循贝因美“成功生养教”理论体系,是一款面向学龄前儿童,开发孩子排列分类潜能的智能训练工具。该应用以排列分类训练游戏为主体,以互动故事绘本为特色亮点,并配合家长指导单元。采用寓教...