光陽 奔騰 125 v2

VirtCello v2

VirtCello v2 (c) PGBapps, is an app for emulating the Cello. This Cello is a musical instrument with a twist. Use of orientation sensor and a tilt of ...

Snake V2

Classic snake gameFeatures:•Different control configurations•Snake has three lives•Different game speeds•Choose to block walls or allow snake through ...

中国历史 - 有声故事

应用从中国历史选出自盘古开天辟地到现代,共60位影响历史的杰出人物,采儿童戏剧的手法,说演这些历史人物所遭遇的精采事迹,并生动刻画出时代的背景与人民生活。藉此将五千年中国历史串联起来,让较小的孩子轻松入戏,获得听故事的快乐与历史的启发。 打破立德、立言、立功中国传统写史的方式,所选的人物遍及各个层面...