光陽 奔騰 125 v2

VirtCello v2

VirtCello v2 (c) PGBapps, is an app for emulating the Cello. This Cello is a musical instrument with a twist. Use of orientation sensor and a tilt of ...

Snake V2

Classic snake gameFeatures:•Different control configurations•Snake has three lives•Different game speeds•Choose to block walls or allow snake through ...


选取照片中的一个颜色,将此颜色更换成你想要的任何颜色,处理过程使用预览图,保存的照片使用原图保存。用法介绍:1) 突出一种颜色,比如:将红唇以外的颜色处理成黑白;2) 换衣服颜色,快速给衣服换个颜色;3) 更改背景颜色,将灰白的天空处理成蓝天,将手中的红玫瑰处理成黄玫瑰。更多新奇用法,等你来发现。新...