

「食品資訊服務網」App是經濟部技術處,利用雲端運算技術,建立一個「食品履歷追溯服務平台」,隨時提供民眾更便利的查詢食品履歷管理資料管道。 APP特色 a.可快速了解產品特色、標章、原料履歷、成品檢驗資訊、生產履歷等資訊 b. 快速、準確的條碼掃描,一維條碼及QRcode皆可查詢關鍵字:食品資訊、食...

Water Photo

Ripple effect living photos!This is a amazing software which simulates Mac's famous ripple effect screensaver, but more artistic with your own photos ...

Panda Vol.2

Panda, pretty panda for yo, enjoy it. you not alone because you have this sweet panda:) The features of the app: 1. Sweet panda from china. 2. This ap...