【重要提示:游戏需要谷歌服务才能运行】 提到章鱼烧玩家们第一个想到的一定是大阪的心斋桥的那家,而在现实生活中,我们要如何成为章鱼烧达人呢?擅长制作休闲游戏的Goodia新近推出的这款《元祖章鱼烧道场》算是给了我们一个这样的机会,虽说我们自己吃不到好吃的章鱼烧,但是可以让游戏里的顾客心满意足,我想这样...
【重要提示:游戏需要谷歌服务才能运行】 提到章鱼烧玩家们第一个想到的一定是大阪的心斋桥的那家,而在现实生活中,我们要如何成为章鱼烧达人呢?擅长制作休闲游戏的Goodia新近推出的这款《元祖章鱼烧道场》算是给了我们一个这样的机会,虽说我们自己吃不到好吃的章鱼烧,但是可以让游戏里的顾客心满意足,我想这样...
《元祖章鱼烧道场 元祖たこやき道場》是一款贩卖章鱼烧,并收集食谱的模拟经营游戏,本作是个非常简单的小游戏,无论是大人还是小孩都能轻松上手。玩家要在游戏中不断制作章鱼烧卖给客人,赚取更多的金钱来扩大自己的店铺与开发新菜单。游戏中章鱼烧的种类有超过 100 种之多,喜欢玩模拟经营游戏的你赶紧也来开一家章...
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Do you have what it takes to prove yourself in the ring? Train your fully customizable boxer to defeat over 100 different opponents and dominate the u...
******************************************************************************** Happy Easter! This is the easter (lite) version of Jewelry Bubble, an...
The space/time ipod for you iPhone. 3 modes to live your life at the rythm of music. TIMER MODE Set minutes/hours, select music from your music librar...
Pocket parrot talks to you with hilarious and cute voice. He is good looking pet and one of the smartest parrots that can learn his master's words. He...
Game preview on Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nkuOWs9j0L4Story of Van Helsing: The Undead SlayerVan Helsing travel anywhere in the world to ...
ESSENTIAL phrases for your trips to Germany. HEAR&LEARN; how to speak perfectly pronounced German. QUICK and USEFUL! Instead of learning 1000 unnecess...