
FedEx Mobile

FedEx® Mobile provides a quick and easy way to manage your shipments. Track the status of your packages, find FedEx locations and customize your shipm...


还在为四六级的英语考试发愁吗?还在为记忆单词而痛苦吗?我们的软件将会帮助您轻松记单词。可爱的小蛇,有趣的单词,绚丽的效果,简单的操作,人性化的交互。这些都会为您带来游戏的魅力和娱乐性。而游戏是基于单词的记忆和拼写的,在玩的过程中同样可以获得知识的浸润。 游戏通过将单词拆分成不同的字母,让玩家通过小蛇...

Pixel Fixer

Pixels can be stuck on a certain color or display wrong colors because a subpixel is deficient.By stimulating the screen with a flash about 20 minutes...